Dokufest 2022 announces award winners

Dokufest, accredited by BAFTA and European Film Awards, has announced the complete list of award winners for 2022 festival.

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75th Locarno Film Festival announces award winners

75th Locarno International Film Festival (Festival international du film de Locarno), one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world, has announced the complete list of award winners for 2022 festival, which took place in the Italian-Swiss town of Locarno, Switzerland from August 3-13.

Locarno Film Festival 2022 winners

Official Awards

The official jury of the 75th Locarno Film Festival, composed of:

  • President: Michel Merkt, producer and consultant (Switzerland)
  • Prano Bailey-Bond, Filmmaker (United Kingdom)
  • Alain Guiraudie, director (France)
  • William Horberg, producer (USA)
  • Laura Samani, director (Italy)

awarded the following prizes:

Concorso internazionale

Pardo d’oro, Grand Prize of the Festival of the City of Locarno to the best film

Winner: “Regra 34” (“Rule 34”) by Julia Murat, Brazil/France.

The Grand Prize of the Festival of the City of Locarno to the best film (CHF 75,000 to be shared equally between the director and the producer) went to “Regra 34” (“Rule 34”) by Julia Murat, Brazil/France.

Special Jury Prize of the Cities of Ascona and Losone

Winner: “Gigi la legge” (“The Adventures of Gigi the Law”) by Alessandro Comodin, Italy/France/Belgium.

The special Jury Prize of the Cities of Ascona and Losone (CHF 30,000 to be shared equally between the director and the producer) went to “Gigi la legge” (“The Adventures of Gigi the Law”) by Alessandro Comodin, Italy/France/Belgium.

Pardo for Best Direction of the City and Region of Locarno for the best directed film

Winner: Valentina Maurel for “Tengo sueños eléctricos”, Belgium/France/Costa Rica.

Pardo for Best Direction of the City and Region of Locarno for the best directed film (CHF 20,000 to the director) went to Valentina Maurel for “Tengo sueños eléctricos”, Belgium/France/Costa Rica.

Pardo for Best Actress

Winner: Daniela Marín Navarro for “Tengo sueños eléctricos” by Valentina Maurel, Belgium/France/Costa Rica.

Pardo for Best Actress was awarded to the actress Daniela Marín Navarro for “Tengo sueños eléctricos” by Valentina Maurel, Belgium/France/Costa Rica.

Pardo for Best Actor

Winner: Reinaldo Amien Gutiérrez for “Tengo sueños eléctricos” by Valentina Maurel, Belgium/France/Costa.

Pardo for Best Actor was awarded to the actor Reinaldo Amien Gutiérrez for “Tengo sueños eléctricos” by Valentina Maurel, Belgium/France/Costa Rica.

Concorso Cineasti del presente

The Concorso Cineasti del presente jury of the 75th Locarno Film Festival, composed of:

  • Annick Mahnert, producer (Switzerland)
  • Gitanjali Rao, director (India)
  • Katriel Schory, producer and senior consultant international co-productions (Israel)

awarded the following prizes:

Pardo d’oro Concorso Cineasti del presente to the best film

Winner: “Svetlonoc” (“Nightsiren”) by Tereza Nvotová, Slovakia / Czech Republic.

Pardo d’oro Concorso Cineasti del presente to the best film (CHF 35,000 to be shared equally between the director and the producer) went to “Svetlonoc” (“Nightsiren”) by Tereza Nvotová, Slovakia / Czech Republic.

Best Emerging Director Award of the City and Region of Locarno

Winner: Juraj Lerotić for “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”), Croatia.

The Best Emerging Director Award of the City and Region of Locarno (CHF 20,000 to the director) went to Juraj Lerotić for “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”), Croatia.

Special Jury Prize Ciné+

Winner: “Yak Tam Katia?” (“How Is Katia?”) by Christina Tynkevych, Ukraine

The Special Jury Prize Ciné+ (A promotional campaign to the value of CHF 25,000 on Ciné+ channels at the time of its theatrical release in France) was awarded to “Yak Tam Katia?” (“How Is Katia?”) by Christina Tynkevych, Ukraine.

Pardo for Best Actress

Winner: Anastasia Karpenko for “Yak Tam Katia?” (“How Is Katia?”) by Christina Tynkevych, Ukraine.

The Pardo for Best Actress went to the actress Anastasia Karpenko for “Yak Tam Katia?” (“How Is Katia?”) by Christina Tynkevych, Ukraine.

Pardo for Best Actor

Winner: Goran Marković for “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”) by Juraj Lerotić, Croatia.

The Pardo for Best Actor went to the actor Goran Marković for “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”) by Juraj Lerotić, Croatia.

Special Mention

“Den Siste Våren” (“Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick?”) by Franciska Eliassen, Norway

First Feature

The First Feature jury of the 75th Locarno Film Festival, composed of:

  • Boo Junfeng, director (Singapore)
  • Shahram Mokri, director and screenwriter (Iran)
  • Madeline Robert, producer (France)

awarded the following prizes:

Swatch First Feature Award

Winner: “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”) by Juraj Lerotić, Croatia

The Swatch First Feature Award (CHF 15,000 to the director awarded for the Best First Feature Film presented as international or world première in all Festival sections, except for the independent sections Semaine de la critique and Panorama Suisse) went to “Sigurno Mjesto” (“Safe Place”) by Juraj Lerotić, Croatia.

Special Mentions

  • “Love Dog” by Bianca Lucas, Poland/Mexico/USA
  • “De noche los gatos son pardos” by Valentin Merz, Switzerland

Pardi di domani

The Pardi di domani jury of the 75th Locarno Film Festival, composed of:

  • Walter Fasano, editor and director (Italy)
  • Azra Deniz Okyay, director (Turkey)
  • Ada Solomon, producer (Romania)

awarded the following prizes:

Concorso Corti d’autore

Pardino d’oro Swiss Life for the Best Auteur Short Film

Winner: “Big Bang” by Carlos Segundo, France/Brazil.

The Pardino d’oro Swiss Life for the Best Auteur Short went to “Big Bang” by Carlos Segundo, France/Brazil.

Concorso internazionale

Pardino d’oro SRG SSR for the Best International Short Film

Winner: “Soberane” (“Sovereign”) by Wara, Cuba.

The Pardino d’oro SRG SSR for the Best International Short Film worth CHF 10,000 went to “Soberane” (“Sovereign”) by Wara, Cuba.

Pardino d’argento SRG SSR for the International Competition

Winner: “Buurman Abdi” (“Neighbour Abdi”) by Douwe Dijkstra, Netherlands.

The Pardino d’argento SRG SSR for the International Competition worth CHF 5,000 went to “Buurman Abdi” (“Neighbour Abdi”) by Douwe Dijkstra, Netherlands.

Pardi di domani Best Direction Award – BONALUMI Engineering

Winner: “Hardly Working” by Total Refusal, Austria.

The Pardi di domani Best Direction Prize – BONALUMI Engineering worth CHF 2,000, offered by BONALUMI Engineering, went to “Hardly Working” by Total Refusal, Austria.

Medien Patent Verwaltung AG Award

Winner: “Mulika” by Maisha Maene, Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Medien Patent Verwaltung AG Award sponsored by Medien Patent Verwaltung AG, in the form of subtitling in three central European languages, went to “Mulika” by Maisha Maene, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Special Mention

“Madar Tamame Rooz Doa Mikhanad” (“Mother Prays All Day Long”) by Hoda Taheri, Germany.

Short Film candidate of the Locarno Film Festival for the European Film Awards

“Buurman Abdi” (“Neighbour Abdi”) by Douwe Dijkstra, Netherlands.

“Buurman Abdi” (“Neighbour Abdi”) by Douwe Dijkstra from Netherlands has been selected as the Short Film candidate of the Locarno Film Festival for the European Film Awards.

Concorso nazionale

Pardino d’oro Swiss Life for the Best Swiss Short Film

Winner: “Euridice, Euridice” by Lora Mure-Ravaud, Switzerland/France.

The Pardino d’oro Swiss Life for the Best Swiss Short Film worth CHF 10,000 went to “Euridice, Euridice” by Lora Mure-Ravaud, Switzerland/France.

Pardino d’argento Swiss Life for the National Competition

Winner: “Der Molchkongress” (“The Newt Congress”) by Matthias Sahli, Immanuel Esser, Switzerland.

The Pardino d’argento Swiss Life for the National Competition worth CHF 5,000 went to “Der Molchkongress” (“The Newt Congress”) by Matthias Sahli, Immanuel Esser, Switzerland.

Best Swiss Newcomer Award

Winner: “HEARTBEAT” by Michèle Flury, Switzerland

The Best Swiss Newcomer Award which provides equipment and services offered by Cinegrell, Freestudios, Taurus Studio went to “HEARTBEAT” by Michèle Flury, Switzerland.

Pardo Verde WWF

The Pardo Verde WWF jury of the 75th Locarno Film Festival, composed of:

  • Thierry Hugot, responsible for the Sustainability Study Group at Eurimages (France)
  • Alessandro Rak, director (Italy)
  • Sonia I. Seneviratne, professor for Land-Climate Dynamic at ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

awarded the following prizes:

Pardo Verde WWF

Winner: “Matter Out of Place” by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Austria

The Pardo Verde WWF award went to “Matter Out of Place” by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Austria.

Special Mentions

  • “É Noite Na América” (“It Is Night in America”) by Ana Vaz, Italy/France/Brazil.
  • “Balıqlara xütbə” (“Sermon to the Fish”) by Hilal Baydarov, Azerbaijan/Mexico/Switzerland/Türkiye.

Independent Juries and Awards

Ecumenical Prize

The jury composed of Anna Dagallier (France), Linde Fröhlich (Germany), Lukáš Jirsa (Czech Republic) and Anne-Béatrice Schwab (Switzerland) awarded its prize to the value of CHF 20,000, offered by the Reformed Church and the Catholic Church of Switzerland and committed for the film’s distribution of the movie in Switzerland, to “Hikayat elbeit elorjowani” (“Tales of the Purple House”) by Abbas Fahdel, Lebanon/Iraq/France.

FIPRESCI (International Federation of Film Critics) Prize

The FIPRESCI jury composed of Martin Horyna (Czech Republic), Peter Kremski (Germany), Dana Linssen (Netherlands), Sarah Stutte (Switzerland) and Müge Turan (Turkey) awarded the International Critics’ Prize (FIPRESCI Prize) to “Stone Turtle” by Ming Jin Woo, Malaysia/Indonesia.

Europa Cinemas Label

The jury composed of Marta Fernandes (Portugal), Jean-François Lamarche (Canada), Víctor Paz (Spain) and Katarzyna Pryc (Poland) has awarded the Europa Cinemas Label, intended to enhance the circulation of a European film chosen amongst those of the Concorso internazionale and the Concorso Cineasti del presente on the screens of the Europa Cinemas Association, to “Nação Valente” (“Tommy Guns”) by Carlos Conceição, Portugal/France/Angola.

Junior Jury Awards

The jury members are selected from the participants in the Cinema & Gioventù initiative, organized by Bellinzona’s Castellinaria, Festival del cinema giovane on behalf of the Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport (DECS) of the Canton Ticino. Giulia Perrig, Milo Cavadini, Robin Gianinazzi, Gilda Giger, Marilena Ielpo, Carola Succetti, Ethan Stolz, Eleonora Zoratti awarded the following prizes to the three best directors in the Concorso internazionale:

First Prize (CHF 6,000)
Winner: “Piaffe” by Ann Oren, Germany.

Second Prize (CHF 4,000)
Winner: “Nação Valente” (“Tommy Guns”) by Carlos Conceição, Portugal/France/Angola.

Third Prize (CHF 2,000)
Winner: “Serviam – Ich will dienen” (“Serviam – I Will Serve”) by Ruth Mader, Austria.

«Environment is quality of life» Prize (CHF 3,000) offered by the Dipartimento cantonale del territorio to
“Balıqlara xütbə” (“Sermon to the Fish”) by Hilal Baydarov, Azerbaijan/Mexico/Switzerland/Türkiye.

A second jury, composed of Sofia Aliprandi, Marie Bays, Axel Bezençon, Elena Brêchet, Léa Charnaux, Lisa Mouquin, Ivan Zay and Alyssa Zay assigned a prize of CHF 2,000 to the best film shown in the section Concorso Cineasti del presente, to “Den Siste Våren” (“Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick?”) by Franciska Eliassen, Norway.

Special Mention
(“Little Ones”) by Julie Lerat-Gersant, France.

A third jury, composed of Emma Cavadini, Joas Maggetti, Letizia Marrone, Laetitia Mischler, Naomi Pedrioli, Mathias Cadena and Giacomo Porfido awarded the following two prizes, worth CHF 1,500, to the best short films in the Concorso internazionale and in the Concorso nazionale of the Pardi di domani section and in the section Open Doors Shorts, to:

Pardi di domani

Best International Short Film
“Hardly Working” by Total Refusal, Austria.

Best Swiss Short Film
by Zoel Aeschbacher, Switzerland/France.

Special Mention
“Les Dieux Du Supermarché”
(“Gods of the Supermarket”) by Alberto Gonzalez Morales, Switzerland.

Open Doors Shorts

Junior Jury Prize
Techos Rotos”
by Yanillys Pérez, Dominican Republic.

Grand Prix Semaine de la critique – Prix SRG SSR, Premio Zonta Club Locarno and Marco Zucchi Award

The jury composed of Marco Poloni (Switzerland), Rüdiger Suchsland (Germany) and Stina Werenfels (Switzerland) awarded the following prizes:

Grand Prix Semaine de la critique – Prix SRG SSR worth CHF 5,000

Winner: The Hamlet Syndrome” by Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosołowski, Poland/Germany.

Premio Zonta Club Locarno worth CHF 2,000 to the film which promotes better justice and social ethics

Winner: Armotonta menoa – Hoivatyön lauluja” (Ruthless Times – Songs of Care”) by Susanna Helke, Finland.

The Marco Zucchi Award worth CHF 2’000 to the most innovative film in terms of image and cinematic language

Winner: Pisklaki” (Fledglings”) by Lidia Duda, Poland.

Residency Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur @ Villa Sträuli

The Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, in collaboration with the Villa Sträuli and the Locarno Film Festival, will be offering a two-month residency, accepting applications from the winners amongst those of Open Doors, Pardi di domani and the Filmmakers Academy who are coming from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

José Luis Aparicio Ferreira for Tundra”, Cuba (Open Doors Screenings).

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Dokufest 2022 announces award winners

Dokufest, accredited by BAFTA and European Film Awards, has announced the complete list of award winners for 2022 festival.

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Dokufest 2022 announces award winners

Dokufest, accredited by BAFTA and European Film Awards, has announced the complete list of award winners for 2022 festival.

Vienna Shorts

Vienna Shorts (formerly known as VIS Vienna Independent Shorts) is the largest short film festival in Austria.

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HollyShorts Oscar-Qualifying Film Festival 2022 continues to celebrate PRIDE with a unique selection of LGBTQ+ films.

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Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival is the longest running non-fiction festival in North America.

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Doc Edge Festival is New Zealand's Academy Award-qualifying international documentary film festival.
Deed News
Deed News
Deed News (DN) is a digital newspaper and website, which focuses on the latest news from film festivals. Deed News (DN) aims to deliver high quality news content from film festivals to a global audience who seek the most up-to-date, comprehensive, precise and authentic news from film festivals, festivals lineup, official selections and award winners.

Dokufest 2022 announces award winners

Dokufest, accredited by BAFTA and European Film Awards, has announced the complete list of award winners for 2022 festival.

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