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31st Woods Hole Film Festival unveils 2022 lineup

Woods Hole Film Festival, or WHFF, has announced the complete list of movies in competition for the 31st edition of the festival, which is scheduled to take place from July 30-August 6, 2022 in Woods Hole, MA.

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Woods Hole Film Festival, or WHFF, has announced the complete list of movies in competition for the 31st edition of the festival, which is scheduled to take place from July 30-August 6, 2022 in Woods Hole, MA.

Woods Hole Film Festival is a showcase of independent film spotlighting the work of emerging filmmakers from around the world.

The 31st Woods Hole Film Festival has announced the 2022 lineup in 6 competition sections:

  • Narrative Features
  • Documentary Features
  • Dramatic Shorts
  • Documentary Shorts
  • Comedy Shorts
  • Animated Shorts

A lineup of 116 movies from 19 countries will go on screen in different program sections of the 2022 Woods Hole Film Festival, or WHFF.

Woods Hole Film Festival 2022 lineup

Narrative Features

17 narrative feature films from 4 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Narrative Feature competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “1-800-HOT-NITE” by Nick Richey, from USA
  • “The Big Bend” by Brett Wagner, from USA
  • “Come Find Me” by Daniel Poliner, from USA
  • “Dear Zoe” by Gren Wells • USA
  • “The Falconer” by Adam Sjoberg & Seanne Winslow, from USA, Oman
  • “Hékate” by Nadia Benedicto, from Argentina
  • “Homebody” by Joseph Sackett, from USA
  • “Maybe Someday” by Michelle Ehlen, from USA
  • “Midday Black Midnight Blue” by Daniel Talbott & Samantha Soule, from USA
  • “Miles From Nowhere” by Jono Mitchell, from USA
  • “The MIrror Game” by William J. Stribling, from USA
  • “Northern Shade” by Christopher Rucinski, from USA
  • “Route One North” by Isabelle Rose Farrell, from USA
  • “A Stage of Twilight” by Sarah T. Schwab, from USA
  • “Sweet Disaster” by Laura Lehmus, from Germany
  • “Vulveeta” by Maria Breaux, from USA
  • “Wake Up, Leonard” by Kat Mills Martin, from USA

Documentary Features

27 documentary feature films from 6 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Documentary Feature competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “After Antarctica” by Tasha Van Zandt, from USA
  • “The Butterfly in the Sky” by Bradford Thomason & Brett Whitcomb, from USA
  • “The Chisels Are Calling” by Trevor Laurence, from USA
  • “A Decent Home” by Sara Terry, from USA
  • “Do I Need This?” by Kate Schermerhorn, from USA
  • “Exposure” by Holly Morris, from USA
  • “Fair Play” by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Gretchen Miller, from USA
  • “Fashion Reimagined” by Becky Hutner, from UK, USA
  • “Fire of Love” by Sara Dosa, from USA, Canada
  • “Free Renty: Lanier v. Harvard” by David Grubin, from USA
  • “From the Hood to the Holler” by Pat McGee, from USA
  • “Girl Talk” by Lucia Small, from USA
  • “The House We Lived In” by Tim O’Donnell, from USA
  • “The Lake at the Bottom of the World” by Kathy Kasic, from USA
  • “The Long Rider” by Sean Cisterna, from Canada
  • “Master of Light” by Rosa Ruth Boesten, from USA
  • “MAU” by Benjamin Bergmann  & Jono Bergmann, from Austria, USA
  • “Of Medicine and Miracles (formerly Trial By Fire)” by Ross Kauffman, from USA
  • “Omoiyari – A Song Film” by Kishi Bashi & Justin Taylor Smith, from USA
  • “On These Grounds by Garrett Zevgetis, from USA
  • “Ranger” by Austin J Peck, from Kenya
  • “Scrum” by Thomas Morgan, from USA
  • “The Territory” by Alex Pritz, from Brazil, Denmark, USA
  • “The Thief Collector” by Allison Otto, from USA
  • “A Woman on the Outside” by Zara Katz & Lisa Riordan Seville, from USA
  • “The Yin & Yang of Gerry Lopez” by Stacy Peralta, from USA
  • “Zero Gravity” by Thomas Verrette, from USA

Dramatic Shorts

35 dramatic short films from 8 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Dramatic Shorts competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “30 Meetings / 30 Days” by Duane Andersen, from USA
  • “Algorithm” by Edwina Casey, from Ireland
  • “All That Glitters” by Dan Bronzite, from UK
  • “An Encounter” by Claire McCabe & Kelly Campbell, from Ireland
  • “Bea, Seriously” by Hanna Gray Organschi, from USA
  • “Beauty Queen” by Myra Aquino, from Philippines
  • “Break Any Spell” by Anton Jøsef, from Canada, USA
  • “Burros” by Jefferson Stein, from USA
  • “Desmond’s Not Here Anymore” by Mmabatho Montsho, from USA
  • “The Devil Will Run” by Noah Glenn, from USA
  • “The Dress” by Marie Karkashadze, from USA
  • “En Avant” by Sarah Jean Williams, from USA
  • “The Errand” by Amanda Renee Knox, from USA
  • “Family Recipe” by Kamari Bright, from USA
  • “Fishwife” by Beth Park, from UK
  • “Fourth of July” by Major Dorfman, from USA
  • “Gilgamesh” by Noeline Kavanagh, from Ireland
  • “Hush” by Emilie Beck, from Norway
  • “Joshua” by Austin Lewis, from USA
  • “La Macana” by Maria Mealla, from USA
  • “Make Me A King” by Sofia Olins, from UK
  • “The Man of My Dreams” by Tristan Scott-Behrends, from USA
  • “Marked” by Matthew Avery Berg, from USA
  • “Mold of Malachi” by Mtume Gant, from USA
  • “My Dear God” by Tara Sheffer, from USA
  • “Myrtle” by Patricia McCormack, from UK
  • “North Star” by P.J. Palmer, from USA
  • “The Principal’s Assembly” by Jordan Ancel, from USA
  • “The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad, from Spain, Iran
  • “Roger That” by Inkar Maxutova, from USA
  • “Sinking Ships” by Andreas Kessler, from Germany
  • “Strawberry Shake” by Dianne Bellino, from USA
  • “The Stupid Boy” by Phil Dunn, from UK
  • “Vigilant” by Sarah Day, from UK
  • “WanderLand” by Nicole Pott, from UK

Documentary Shorts

18 documentary short films from 3 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Documentary Shorts competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “15 grains of sand” by Rachel Handlin, from USA
  • “The Body is a House of Familiar Rooms” by Eloise Sherrid & Lauryn Welch, from USA
  • “Bounty” by Adam Mazo, Ben Pender-Cudlip, Tracy Rector, Dawn Neptune Adams, Maulian Dana, from USA
  • “DOPO YUMEmories” by Jordan Galland, from USA
  • “Favorite Daughter” by Dana Reilly, from USA
  • “Lalito 10” by Jordan Matthew Horowitz, from USA
  • “Love Languages” by Jason Osborne, from UK
  • “More Than I Remember” by Amy Bench, from USA, Chile
  • “The Originals” by Cristina Costantini & Alfie Koetter, from USA
  • “Powers” by Paige Morrow Kimball, from USA
  • “Shattering Stars” by Peter Galison, from USA
  • “Stranger at the Gate” by Joshua Seftel, from USA
  • “Stranger Than Rotterdam with Sara Driver” by Lewie & Noah Kloster, from USA
  • “Superheroes Wear Hoodies” by Jason Osborne, from UK
  • “Tiny Titanic” by Mike Scholtz, from USA
  • “Visions” by Karina Lomelin Ripper, from USA
  • “Where Land Ends” by Grace McNally, from USA
  • “ᎤᏕᏲᏅ  (What They’ve Been Taught)” by Brit Hensel, from USA

Comedy Shorts

14 comedy short films from 4 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Comedy Shorts competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “8¾” by Shawn Matthew Cheatham, from USA
  • “Breakfast at the Bodega” by Marina Elise, from USA
  • “The Diamond” by Vedran Rupic, from Sweden
  • “The F-Word” by Alex & Paul Cannon, from USA
  • “The Family We Chose” by Justin & Kristin Schaack, from USA
  • “In Sickness and In Health” by Sarah Smick, from USA
  • “Jill and Jack” by Nick Calori, from UK
  • “Le Pompon” by David Hourrègue, from France
  • “Non-Negotiable” by Mike Doxford, from UK
  • “Out of Tune” by Portlynn Tagavi, from USA
  • “Talk To The Can” by Jordan H. Elliott, from USA
  • “There Are Mermaids in LA” by Summer Benowitz, from USA
  • “Wailing Wall” by Amy French, from USA
  • “Wei-Lai” by Robin Wang, from USA

Animated Shorts

5 animated short films from 4 countries have been selected to go on screen in the Animated Shorts competition section of the 31st Woods Hole Film Festival.

  • “Charlotte” by Zach Dorn, from USA
  • “Memento Mori” by Paul O’Flanagan, from Ireland
  • “The Sea of Hope” by Walid salhab, from UK, Lebanon
  • “She Dreams At Sunrise” by Camrus Johnson, from USA
  • “Your Mountain Is Waiting” by Hannah Jacobs, from UK
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