Social World Film Festival 2022 announces lineup

Social World Film Festival (La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale) has announced the complete lineup for 2022 festival.


Social World Film Festival (La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale) has announced the complete lineup for 2022 festival, which takes place in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast, Italy) from July 3-10.

Social World Film Festival is the most emotional festival in the world with events, movies, previews, innovative activities, jury of young people and professionals, workshops, competitions, presentations and thousands of visitors.

The Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale, was born in 2009 from the idea of ​​the director and producer Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo to create a cinematographic event, the first in the world, entirely dedicated to cinema as a vehicle for social messages ; that idea, that dream has now become the international social cinema exhibition.

Social Word Film Festival 2022

A lineup of 120 works (feature films, documentaries and short films) from 28 different countries have been selected to go on screen in the Competition and Out-of-competition program sections of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale. 350 works have been selected to include in the Market section of the festival.

Each year the festival management committee chooses a theme, based on which the submitted works will be short-listed in competition and out-of-competition sections of the festival. “Futuro. Avvenire, ripartenza, domani” (“Future. Prospect, restart, tomorrow”) is the chosen theme for the 2022 Social World Film Festival (La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale).

International Competition

Feature Films

A linetup of 5 feature movies have been selected to go on screen in the International Feature Films competition section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Boxer Blood and Sweats” (Germany, Iran), Directed by Nima Nadaf
  • “Ero in guerra ma non lo sapevo” (Italy, 90’), Directed by Fabio Resinaro
  • “Le bruit des moteurs” (Canada), Directed by Philippe Gregoire
  • “Magda” (Ukraine) , Directed by Denys Soboliev
  • “The Grand Bolero” (Italy), Directed by Gabriele Fabbro


A linetup of 5 documentary movies have been selected to go on screen in the International Documentaries competition section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “(R)OMA: a family history” (Netherlands), Directed by Klaas Burger, Stefany Karghoti
  • “Only Human” (Germany), Directed by Katerina Giannakopoulou
  • “Porpora” (Italy), Directed by Roberto Cannavò
  • “Princesa” (Italy), Directed by Stefania Muresu
  • “Sacro Moderno” (Italy), Directed by Lorenzo Pallotta

Short Films

A linetup of 19 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the International Short Films competition section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Branka” (Hungary), Directed by Ákos K. Kovács
  • “Break any spell” (USA), Directed by Anton Josef
  • “Chiusi Fuori” (Italy), Directed by Giorgio Testi
  • “Descente” (France), Directed by Mehdi Fikri
  • “Everything will be fine” (Belgium), Directed by Joachim Dejonghe
  • “Hair Tie, Egg, Homework books” (China), Directed by Runxiao Luo
  • “Happy Marriage” (Pakistan), Directed by Sana Jafri 
  • “L’Heritage” (Lebanon), Directed by Matthieu Haag
  • “L’ultimo stop” (Italy), Directed by Massimo Ivan Falsetta
  • “Mandatory Presence” (Poland), Directed by Adam Ziajski
  • “Notte di Marzo” (Italy), Directed by Gianni Aureli
  • “On/Off” (Argentina), Directed by Nicholas Villareal
  • “Out of play” (Israel), Directed by Romi Menachem
  • “Reduction” (Hungary), Directed by Anna Reka Szakaly
  • “Shimpu” (Italy), Directed by Francesco Inglese
  • “Stone Heart” (Brazil), Directed by Humberto Rodrigues
  • “The letter men” (USA), Directed by Andy Vallentine
  • “The recess” (Spain), Directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad
  • “What we don’t know about Mariam” (Egypt), Directed by Morad Mostafa

Focus, Eye to the South (Focus, Occhio al Sud)

Feature Films

A lineup of 2 feature movies have been selected to go on screen in the Focus, Eye to the South (Focus, Occhio al Sud) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Fino ad essere felici” (Campania), Directed by Paolo Cipoletta
  • “Un mondo in più” (Campania), Directed by Luigi Pane

Short Films

A lineup of 10 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the Focus, Eye to the South (Focus, Occhio al Sud) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Amici per la pelle” (Campania), Directed by Angela Bevilacqua
  • “Destinata coniugi Lo Giglio” (Campania), Directed by Nicola Prosatore
  • “Fishman” (Campania), Directed by Nicolas Spatarella, Raffaele Spatarella
  • “La pescatora” (Apulia, 15’), Directed by Lucia Lorè
  • “Lasciami andare” (Sardinia, 16’), Directed by Roberto Carta
  • “Lia non deve morire” (Campania), Directed by Alfonso Bergamo
  • “Nami Wata” (Campania), Directed by Paola Beatrice Ortolani
  • “Tutù” (Apulia, 15’), Directed by Lorenzo Tiberia
  • “Un passo alla volta” (Campania), Directed by Alessio Avino
  • “Zabut” (Sicily, 20’), Directed by Giuseppe Schillaci

The Night of Cinema (La Notte del Cinema)

Feature Films

A lineup of 5 feature movies have been selected to go on screen in the The Night of Cinema (La Notte del Cinema) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “A terre promise” (France), Directed by Lionel Bernardin
  • “Alpha Male” (Poland), Directed by Katia Priwieziencew, Igor Priwieziencew
  • “La pampa” (Peru), Directed by Dorian Fernández Moris
  • “Qazi” (Pakistan), Directed by Anil Fastenau, Jakob Gehrmann
  • “Tehranto” (Canada), Directed by Faran Moradi


A lineup of 9 documentary movies have been selected to go on screen in the The Night of Cinema (La Notte del Cinema) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Andala – last visit” (Turkey), Directed by Ali Demirtaş
  • “Art Book Stories” (Italy), Directed by Christian Battiferro
  • “Blind spot” (Tunisia), Directed by Lotfi Achour
  • “Dante – L’esilio di un Poeta” (Italy), Directed by Fabrizio Bancale
  • “In light” (Italy), Directed by Alice Fassi
  • “Live till i die” (Sweden), Directed by Gustav Ågerstrand, Åsa Ekman, Anders Teigen, Oscar Hedin Hetteberg
  • “Nasima” (USA), Directed by Heather Kessinger 
  • “Stracci” (Italy), Directed by Tommaso Santi
  • “Viva Viviani” (Italy), Directed by Stefano Martone, Mario Martone

Short Films

A lineup of 21 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the The Night of Cinema (La Notte del Cinema) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Ambasciatori” (Italy), Directed by Francesco Romano
  • “Bittersweet Rainbow” (Italy), Directed by Luca Bertossi
  • “Buonacreanza” (Italy), Directed by Gianfranco Antacido
  • “Dajla: cinema and oblivion” (Spain), Directed by Arturo Dueñas Herrero
  • “Gli ultimi della terra” (Italy), Directed by Massimo Bertucci
  • “Golden Hour” (Italy), Directed by Giuseppe Raia
  • “Hall of beauty” (Italy), Directed by Edoardo Rossi
  • “Kamikaze” (Italy), Directed by Paul Gabriel Cornacchia
  • “L’albero di ciliegie” (Italy), Directed by Alessia Scali
  • “Like you” (Spain), Directed by Marco Gosalvez
  • “Lupo + Agnello” (Italy), Directed by Giuseppe Schettino
  • “Next of kin” (UK), Directed by Dean Marriott
  • “Per non sparire lentamente” (Italy), Directed by Simone Fiorentino, Alan Francin Gordon
  • “Phenomenon” (Belgium), Directed by Pascal Adant
  • “Rughe” (Italy), Directed by Maurizio Paparazzo
  • “Rutunn’” (Italy), Directed by Fabio Patrassi
  • “Seife” (Italy), Directed by Riccardo di Gerlando
  • “Shou Sui” (China), Directed by Shi Yang Fu
  • “Social radio” (Italy), Directed by Davide Sordella
  • “The wheel” (Turkey), Directed by Metin EWR
  • “Vecchio” (Italy), Directed by Dino Lopardo

Smile, Social with Smile (Smile, Sociale con Sorriso)

A lineup of 6 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the Smile, Social with Smile (Smile, Sociale con Sorriso) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Calamour” (Italy), Directed by Niccolò Gentili
  • “Giorni da Funamboli” (Italy), Directed by Ludovico Buldini
  • “Leggero leggerissimo” (Italy), Directed by Antimo Campanile
  • “” (Italy), Directed by Anna Marcello
  • “Pinocchio” (Italy), Directed by Emilio Guizzetti
  • “Vanaema, saa tuttavaks” (“Grandma meet Mary”) (Estonia), Directed by Kaire Russ


A lineup of 7 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the School program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Api furibonde” (Italy), Directed by Luca Mondellini
  • “Apple tree” (Russian Federation), Directed by Olya Azhnakina
  • “L’amour est un osieau Rebelle” (Italy), Directed by Daniele Esposito
  • “Mona & Parviz” (Germany), Directed by Kevin Biele
  • “Quando, quando, quando” (USA), Directed by Kuan Cao
  • “Talponi” (Switzerland), Directed by Vanja Victor Kabir Tognola
  • “Twists” (China), Directed by Vivian Chen

New Languages (Nuovi Linguaggi)

A lineup of 6 short movies have been selected to go on screen in the New Languages (Nuovi Linguaggi) program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Fall into my palms” (USA), Directed by Bo Nawacharee
  • “Franciacorta – a golden feeling” (Italy), Directed by Enea Colombi
  • “More than hair” (Canada), Directed by Fitch Jean
  • “Odysséè, Ode to the city” (Lebanon), Directed by Jihad Sadee
  • “The mirror” (Italy), Directed by Giulia Achenza 
  • “Wallace Chaan – The art of Material” (Italy), Directed by Martina Margaux Cozzi

Virtual Reality

A lineup of 6 virtual reality short films have been selected to go on screen in the Virtual Reality program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Cross” (“on the other side”) (Ecuador), Directed by Juan Pablo Urgiles
  • “Don’t forget me” (USA), Directed by Ken Winikur
  • “DreamNA: The Afterlife” (Romania), Directed by Ioana Mischie
  • “Dying Wise According to Rena” (Israel), Directed by Yonatan Manevich
  • “The Choice” (Canada), Directed by Joanne Popinska
  • “Unseen” (USA), Directed by Iris Cole


A lineup of 10 screenplays have been selected in the Screenplay program section of the 2022 Social World Film Festival, or La Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Sociale.

  • “Adriatica” (Italy), by Alex Creazzi
  • “Aqua Tofana” (USA), by Kate Lockwood
  • “Capri” (USA), by Michael J Dunker
  • “Dandelion” (Italy), by Arianna Bartera
  • “Perry” (USA), by JR watson
  • “Pirandello’s Wife” (USA), by Lynn Elliott
  • “Prince” (Zimbabwe), by Jessica Rowlands
  • “The Greek Passage” (Italy), by Lorenzo Guarnier
  • “To be father” (Italy), by Mila Bosio
  • “War Games” (Italy), by Gian Piero Rotoli

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